Welcome to SONDANNESTs (Supporters Of Non-Discrimination Against Non-Native English Speaking Teachers) ! What is this blog ? This blog is dedicated to all teachers of English and any other people who want to support non-discrimination against non-native English speaking teachers (NNESTs). Who am I and h ow was this blog born ? After several years of working as a freelance English teacher in France, I have been discriminated against by training organisations because of my French origins… Research has clearly shown that native English teachers are not the only ones able to deliver good English lessons and that there can be real advantage to being taught by NNESTs. In this blog I will also talk about the people who have carried out such reasearch works. Surprisingly enough, after months of research on the internet and until recently, I still couldn’t find any case of a teacher who had taken legal action against an organisation which had discriminated against them . If this pr...