Hello !

I have issued (with the precious help of my partner Manwei) a survey questionnaire to gather more information on this subject.

This document will be sent out by email to my personal and professional networks and published on my LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

The results will be analysed when I get a reply from the Défenseur des Droits and I will publish them here and on my social networks’ pages.

On top of making this subject more visible, I want to get a better understanding of people’s views on this and the underlying reasons.

This survey could potentially help me and other NNESTs in the future.

The more participants, the better ! So I’ll do my best to promote it well and I will be grateful to everyone who helps !


Key acronyms referred to in the survey:

NESTs : Native English Speaking Teachers

NNESTs : Non-Native English Speaking Teachers

NESs : Native English Speakers

NNESs : Non-Native English Speakers

Target population : teachers of English at large (qualified, unqualified, experienced and inexperienced NESTs - qualified, unqualified, experienced and inexperienced NNESTs), learners of all levels (mostly French because my network of learners is essentially French) : ones who require NESTs and ones who don’t, people who don’t need English lessons (NESs and NNESs)


Objectives of the survey : asnwering the following questions :


General question : Who can teach English ?

Sub-questions :


Do people believe that ELT qualifications are only for NESTs ?

Do People think that NNESTs are legitimate to teach English ?

Is being a NNEST rather an advantage or a disadvantage to teach English ?

Are NNESTs more confident than NESTs ?

How confident do NNESTs feel when they teach ?

How confident do NESTs feel when they teach ?

Do ELT qualifications influence how confident teachers feel in their job ?

Does the level of experience influence how confident teachers feel in their job ?

Do learners really prefer NESTs over NNESTs ?

If learners prefer NESTs, what are the reasons ?

How welcome are NNESTs among learners ?

Do learners value qualifications for English teachers ?

Do learners value experience for English teachers ?

Do people find it acceptable that some schools prefer NESTs over NNESTs ?

Do people find it acceptable that some schools refuse to hire NNESTs just because they are NNESTs ?

Do people find it acceptable that some schools treat NNESTs differently from NESTs ?

Do people find it acceptable that some schools use the national or ethnic origins of teachers as a selling point ?

Are people aware of the European legal precedent for discrimination against NNESTs * ?

Do people think France should follow in its footsteps and condemn this discrimination ?

Is discrimination against NNESTs a widespread phenomenon ?

Do people who don’t teach English know the English teachers’ qualifications ?

* In Germany, a language school (Inlingua) was recently ordered to pay €3000 to a qualified and experienced teacher of English (Ms. Rachel Tsateri) who had applied to them, because they had rejected her application owing to the very fact she was not a native speaker of English and without even granting her an interview, which was against Article 21 of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights


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