Hi readers ! You are more and more numerous and this is a good news !

But I'm well-aware that there's still a long way to go... some people contact me because as NNESTs like me, some language schools have discriminated against them...

But when I ask them to post something on my blog, even anonymously, they don't take the plunge...probably because they are afraid of the possible consequences.

A lady told me : don't give up, do continue your fight !

But the thing is it's not only my fight, it's every teacher's fight to ensure no more discrimination is perpetrated in the world on ELT.

I do understand that some teachers don't have the financial or time resources, that some of them are simply not prepared to fight on a legal level. Personnaly, I am still very much committed to taking this to wherever it needs in order for those bad practices to cease.

So why this new post ?

Because I have some good news !

I have talked with a lawyer and I am now officially taking legal action against four language schools.

In spite of some difficulties we may face due to perpetrators' bad faith and sneaky strategies, there is still hope for success, at least with some of them.

Letters of formal notice will be sent to them and they will have to answer for what they did.

In the meantime, I still haven't received any feedback from the Défenseur des Droits after reporting the wrongdoings of five schools. This is seemingly a very slow process...

I hope to give you news very soon !


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